The Woz, Naked Deities, and Science Fiction

One of the key indicators of my general direction in life is undoubtedly how much TV I watch. In the last few months I’ve actually watched precious little, relatively. But there are a few important TV events worth mentioning:

First, Battlestar Galactica ended. I was about 12 episodes behind when this happened, so I spent the last few days catching up, and when I finally hit the end, I was pretty pleased. Was it a perfect series? No… but it was probably the most finely crafted complete science fiction series ever. I say “complete” because I think Firefly could have been better, if it wasn’t pulled early, and I can’t compare it to things like Dr. Who, Star Trek (well maybe Voyager), or any of the shows that don’t ever really end.

Speaking of which, Firefly competes in my heart with the show Cupid, for the best TV ever that was brutally cut short by vapid TV execs. I saw it years ago, fell in love with it and, of course, it went away for no readily apparent reason. The basic premise is thus: a guy claims he’s cupid, sent to earth to live as a mortal until he can cause 100 couples to fall in love. With the anti-comic relief of his psychiatrist (because you have to have one of those if you think you’re a god), he pretty much just goes about the task.

Great show. and it’s BACK! I DVR’ed the first one tonight (couldn’t watch it), but I highly recommend that the four people that read this post should immediately A) find a way to watch the new remake and B) find a way to watch the old show. I can help with both, just lemme know.

Unfortunately, though, while setting the DVR I did notice the end of the Dancing with the Stars episode that was on just before it. I thought a shout-out to my personal hero Steve Wozniak was in order, since he got booted from the show tonight. [warning: that last sentence may have been a spoiler] I may hate reality TV, Steve, but you’re my hero, so I watched almost three minutes of it for you! Better luck at Segway Polo!

One Comment on “The Woz, Naked Deities, and Science Fiction

  1. I haven’t watched Battlestar Galactica, but I would have listed Babylon 5 as the best complete series I ever watched. There are things in the 1st episode that tie in to the final few episodes of the main run. I never really did watch the movies or the 2nd series.

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