50 States (Updated: At least 49 anyway)

I’m trying to convince myself of what states I have and haven’t visited. There’s a chance Alaska was my 50th, but most of the New England states were just drive-throughs, and I’m not 100% sure on Mississippi. So… Read More

Crew Demo 1

So this weekend has been one of the highlights of my career, in a lot of ways. I hadn’t contributed to SpaceX for the Falcon Heavy last year, but now I’ve been here just over 12 months, and… Read More

Live Launch Off the Bucket List!

I don’t know if you all know I keep my bucket list online.  I haven’t updated it in ages, but at one point it was a publicly editable wiki (I know Ferf knew… nothing like putting things on… Read More

Magic, Dolphins, Astronauts, Stars, and birthdays and things…

So the last couple of weeks were pretty epic. Li’l Bro Joe came out to visit for his birthday, we used tickets Mary Ann got for the Magic Castle, which is pretty cool by itself, but we also… Read More

Falcon 9 Block 5 Flight 2 and Star Wars

There’s a passing comment in the San Francisco Chronicle’s original review – on May 27, 1977 – of Star Wars, that quips: spaceships are beat-up and dirty (the nearest garage is light years away?) I don’t remember when… Read More