Cameras and Bicycles

I’ve been getting a lot more bicycling in lately — Xenia, just up the road from Dayton, claims to be the bicycle capital of the world. I have no idea what that means, but they really do have a fantastic collection of bike-friendly trails that meet in their downtown area. If you like e-bikes there are some brilliant collapsable electric bikes at On this particular Saturday, we started there, and headed towards Springfield — one of the four directions from Xenia Station. It was a perfect day for a ride — gorgeous weather, shady trees, mostly-friendly passers-by, and film-worthy scenes involving boston terriers chasing kids on bikes.

Mostly, though, there was an old bridge that we hit five miles in…

See how pretty that is? Right. 12 miles or so past that, turn around, come back, get to the car and do a loop around the parking lot to hit an even 35 miles. On mountain bikes and in bad shape, that’s the longest workout I’ve had since the half-marathon. Got home, relaxed, felt lots of pain and then realized I had no idea where my camera was. Right. The little Canon SD1100 that I got to replace the little Canon SD1000 that I got to replace the little Canon SD800 that I got a really long time ago. It’s always on my hip, except when I don’t wear a belt, and I strap it to my bike’s handlebars. Nope, not there either.

Now, see, I HAVE a picture of the bride up there a paragraph or so. So you’d think that means I found my camera, right? No. After driving back out to look for it, I came BACK to my house to pick up my bike and did the 5 miles BACK to the bridge (the last place I knew I had it — at least I took pictures coming and going so I knew it wasn’t farther along the path). No dice. At this point I’ve done over 45 miles on the bike and I’m in absolutely no shape for that. No camera. If anyone finds it, send it my way. The last few pics should look something like the one above, which I took with my camera just a couple of hours ago.



One Comment on “Cameras and Bicycles

  1. I love the picture. You are turning into FIT man. BTW, I vote for more time lapse events.

    I just bought a hard core moutaineering tent and sleeping bag and took and outdoor survival course ( I can start a fire with ONE HAND!!!!) so I am ready to do some travel.

    I am going to get a camera and do my own time lapse …LOL


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